Last update on Aug.7, 2013

Unit Deployment Program
HMH (Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron)
from MAG-24/MCB Hawaii
(Feb.2002 - Jul.2008)

MCAS Iwakuni
Feb.2002 - Mar.2002HMH-363YZ
CH-53Dtransferred all CH-53Ds to HMH-362
Mar.2002 - Oct.2002HMH-362YL
CH-53Dreceived some CH-53Ds from HMH-363
transferred eight CH-53Ds to HMH-463
returned to MCB Hawaii on Oct.6, 2002
Oct.2002 - Apr.2003HMH-463YH
CH-53Darrived on Oct.5, 2002
received eight CH-53Ds from HMH-362
transferred eight CH-53Ds to HMH-363
returned to MCB Hawaii on Apr.10, 2003
Apr.2003 - Oct.2003HMH-363YZ
CH-53Darrived on Apr.9, 2003
received eight CH-53Ds from HMH-463
transferred all CH-53Ds to HMH-362
Oct.2003 - Apr.2004HMH-362YL
CH-53Dreceived all CH-53Ds from HMH-363
transferred all CH-53Ds to HMH-463
departed on Mar.31
Apr.2004 - Dec.2004HMH-463YH
CH-53Dreceived all CH-53Ds from HMH-362
Dec.2004 - Jun.2005HMH-363YZ
MAG-36/MCAS Futenma
Jun.2005 - Dec.2005HMH-362YL
Dec.2005 - Dec.2007Not deployed
Dec.2007 - Jul.2008HMH-463YH
CH-53D ten CH53Ds were loaded to a C-5 in each of two,
and, departed MCAS Futenma
on 16, 19, 24 June and 2 July in two C-5s.


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