Last update on Dec.13, 2023

VMA-311 DET.
( AV-8B+, AV-8B+(R) )
( Jan. 2010 - Jul. 2010 )
deployed to 31stMEU/MAG-36
WL-00165579 (AV-8B+(R)) (*1 ex. WF-02)
WL-01165572 (AV-8B+(R)) (*3) --> 165584 (AV-8B+(R)) (*2)
WL-02165569 (AV-8B+(R))
WL-03165595 (AV-8B+(R))
WL-04165567 (AV-8B+(R))
WL-05165584 (AV-8B+(R)) (*1 ex. WF-04) (*2) --> 165572 (AV-8B+(R)) (*3)
WL-06164553 (AV-8B+) (*1 ex. WF-06)
WL-07165308 (AV-8B+(R)) (*1 ex. WF-07)
(*1) received 4xAV-8B's from former UDP squadron VMA-513DET. at January 2010.
(*2) 165584 Modex was changed from #05 to #01 at the end of June 2010.
(*3) 165572 Modex was changed from #01 to #05 at the end of June 2010.