Last update on Sep.3, 2014

Unit Deployment Program
MAG-12/1stMAW/MCAS Iwakuni

VAQ-133 (NL)
( EA-6B )
(Jul. 2003 - Oct. 2003)
VAQ-128 (NL)
( EA-6B )
(Oct. 2003 - Jan. 2004)
530159585510158811 (*1) --> 163527 (*2)
531163527511159585 (*3) --> 160707 (*5)
532163521512160786 (*9) --> 163049 (*10)
533160786514163521 (*4) --> 163030 (*6)
534158811515163527 (*2) --> 158811 (*1) (*7) --> 163529 (*8)
(*1) 158811 changed modex to NL-515 from NL-510 in late October 2003
(*2) 163527 changed modex to NL-510 from NL-515 in late October 2003
163527/NL-510 was first reported on Oct.30, 2003
(*3) transferred 159585 to VAQ-136 on Dec.10, 2003
(*4) transferred 163521 to VAQ-136 on Dec.10, 2003
(*5) received 160707 from VAQ-136 on Dec.13, 2003
(*6) received 163030 from VAQ-136 on Dec.13, 2003
(*7) transferred 158811 to VAQ-136 on Jan.5, 2004
(*8) received 163529 from VAQ-136 on Jan.5, 2004
(*9) transferred 160786 to VAQ-136 on Jan.12, 2004
(*10) received 163049 from VAQ-136 on Jan.12, 2004