Last update on Oct.23, 2013

Unit Deployment Program
MAG-15/MCAS Iwakuni

VMFA-312 (DR)
( F-4S )
(Jul.1982 - Jan.1983)
VMFA-451 (VM)
( F-4S )
(Jan.1983 - Jul.1983)
VMFA-333 (DN)
( F-4S )
(Jul.1983 - Jan.1984)
VMFA-312 (DR)
( F-4S )
(Jan.1984 - Jul.1984)
.. 00155518 (*2), (*3) .. ..
01153792 01153792 01154782 01154782
02153798 (*1) **  02155515 02155515
03155517 03155517 03155524 03155524
04155519 04155519 04155807 04155807
05155733 05155733 05155827 05155827
06155741 06155741 06155838 06155838
07155759 07155746 (*3) 07155859 07155859
10155792 08155759 08155862 08155862
11155854 09155792 09155891 09155891
12157293 10155854 10155893 10155893
13155746 11157293 11157301 11157301
14158348 12158348 12158354 12158354
(*1) 153798/DR-02 crashed into the sea off the Philippines on Oct.8, 1982.
(*2) received 155518 at deployed period.
(*3) transferred 155518 and 155746 to VF-161/CVW-5 at Jul. 1983.