Home Port : Norfolk, Va.
25Jul1998, commissioned
10Aug1998, WestLant
13Aug1998, departed Norfolk
13Aug-26Aug1998, flight deck certification in the WestLant
27Aug1998, returned to Norfolk
14Sep-22Sep1998, Carrier Qualifications in the WestLant
17Oct1998, Friends and Family Day Cruise
02Nov1998, departed Norfolk for a Shakedown Cruise
02Nov-07Nov1998, WestLant
08Nov-10Nov1998, Mayport
11Nov-24Nov1998, Puerto Rican Operating Area
25Nov-28Nov1998, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands
19Nov-16Dec1998, WestLant
17Dec1998, returned to Norfolk
27Jan1999, departed Norfolk
28Jan-04Feb1999,Carrier Qualifications for Fleet Readiness Squadrons and Training Command Squadrons
03Mar1999, departed Norfolk
03Mar-15Mar1999, Carrier Qualifications in the WestLant
16Mar1999, returned to Norfolk
21Mar1999, departed Norfolk
21Mar-22Mar1999, Tiger Cruise to Newport News Shipbuilding
23Mar-17Aug1999, Post Shakedown Availability (PSA) at Newport News Shipbuilding
18Aug-19Aug1999, Sea Trials
20Aug1999, returned to Norfolk
15Aug1999, departed Norfolk
25Aug-02Sep1999, flight deck certification
03Sep1999, returned to Norfolk
14Sep1999, departed Norfolk to evade Hurricane Floyd
18Sep1999, returned to Norfolk
22Sep1999, departed Norfolk
22Sep-07Oct1999, Carrier Qualifications and Halifax, Nova Scotia port visit
30Sep-02Oct1999, port call at Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
03Oct-06Oct1999, WestLant
07Oct1999, returned to Norfolk
26Oct1999, departed Norfolk
26Oct-03Nov1999, Carrier Qualifications in the Virginia Capes
04Nov1999, returned to Norfolk
03Dec1999,departed Norfolkto the Virginia and North Carolina capes for training and carrier qualification
14Dec1999, returned to Norfolk
07Feb2000, WestLant
13Mar-27Mar2000, WestLant
08May-15May2000, WestLant
26Jun2000, WestLant
31Jul2000, WestLant
03Aug-24Aug2000,Composite Training Unit Exercise (COMPTUEX) off Vieques Island range, Puerto Rico
28Aug2000, WestLant
30Sep2000, one day "Friends and Family Day Cruise" off the Virginia coast
16Oct2000, departed Norfolk for Joint Task Force Exercise (JTFEX)
17Oct-25Oct2000, JTFEX off the North Carolina and Virginia coasts
26Oct2000, returned to Norfolk
28Nov2000, departed Norfolk for 6-month Med/Gulf deployment
30Nov2000, WestLant
04Dec2000, Lant
10Dec2000, entered the Med
11Dec-18Dec2000, Med
20Dec-24Dec2000, Souda Bay, Crete
27Dec2000, Suez Canal
02Jan2001, relieved CVN-72 Abraham Lincoln in support of Operation Southern Watch
04Jan2001, entered the Persian Gulf
04Jan-22Jan2001, Persian Gulf
30Jan2001, Jebel Ali, UAE
31Jan-26Feb2001, Persian Gulf
04Mar-05Mar2001, Jebel Ali, UAE
12Mar2001, Persian Gulf
28Mar2001, Bahrain, UAE
02Apr-25Apr2001, Persian Gulf
30Apr2001, support of Operation Southern Watch was relieved by CV-64 Constellation
30Apr2001, Red Sea
03May2001, transited the Suez Canal to northward
07May2001, Med
11May2001, Rhodes, Greece 16May2001, Med
20May2001, Lant
23May2001, returned to Norfolk
CVN-75 sailed 44,000 nautical miles with 16,263 catapult launches and arrested landings.In the 84-days flight operations for support of "Operation Southern Watch"on the Persian Gulf, CVW-3 flew 16,800 flight hoursand achieved a 98.1 percent sortie completion rate.
12Jul2001, departed Norfolk
Carrier Qualifications for Fleet Readiness Squadrons and Training Command Squadrons
in the Virginia Capes and Jacksonville Operating Area
05Sep2001-21Feb2002, 6-month overhaul at Norfolk Naval Shipyard in Portsmouth
22Feb2002,departed Norfolk Naval Shipyardfor a few days sea trials off the coast of Virginia
04Mar-30Mar2001, WestLant
29Apr-04May2002, Port Everglades, FL. for a "McDonalds Fleet Week"
Carrier Qualifications for Fleet Readiness Squadrons and Training Command Squadrons
in the Virginia Capes and Jacksonville Operating Area
04Jun2002, departed Norfolk
Tailored Ship's Training Availability (TSTA) I/II,
Carrier Qualifications for Fleet Readiness Squadrons and Training Command Squadrons,
in the Virginia Capes Operating Area
01Jul2002, returned to Norfolk
12Jul2002, departed Norfolk
12Jul-05Aug2002,Carrier Qualifications for Fleet Readiness Squadrons and Training Command Squadrons
05Aug2002, returned to Norfolk
23Aug2002, departed Norfolk
23Aug-02Sep2002,Tailored Ship's Training Availability and Final Evaluation Phase (TSTA/FEP)
03Sep-22Sep2002,Composite Unit Training Exercises (COMPTUEX)on the Vieques Island inner range, southern Puerto Rican Operating Area
23Sep2002, wrapped up COMPTUEEX, successfully meeting the training goals for the three-week exercise
24Sep-26Sep2002, WestLant
27Sep2002, anchored at Key West, FL
28Se-03Oct2002, WestLant
04Oct2002, returned to Norfolk
23Oct2002, departed Norfolk
23Oct-27Oct2002, WestLant
28Oct2002, began a 10-days Joint Task Force Exercise (JTFEX)
28Oct-06Nov2002, JTFEX off the Virginia and North Carolina coasts
07Oct2002, returned to Norfolk
05Dec2002, departed Norfolk for a regularly scheduled six-month deploymenttoward the Mediterranean Sea and Persian Gulf
06Dec2002, WestLant for TSTA (Tailored Ship Training Availability)
19Dec-21Dec2002, Med
22Dec-26Dec2002, Marseille, France
27Dec-29Dec2002, Med
30Dec2002-02Jan2003, Souda Bay, Crete, Greece
03Jan2003, departed Souda Bay
04Jan-24Jan2003, Med
25Jan2003, began participating in Joint Exercise with the Albanian military forcesnear the Albanian port of Vlora, 85 miles southwest of Tirana, Adriatic Sea
25Jan-30Jan2003, Adriatic Sea
31Jan2003, arrived in Koper, Solvania
31Jan-05Feb2003, Koper, Solvania
06Feb2003, departed Koper, Solvania
06Feb-09Feb2003, Adriatic Sea
10Feb2003, Joint Exercise set to ended
11Feb-02May2003, Med
05May2003, NorLant
06May2003, arrived in Portsmouth, UK
06May-09May2003, Portsmouth, UK
12May-15May2003, NorLant
19May-22May2003, Lant
23May2003, returned to Norfolk
10Jul-23Jul2003, Carrier Qualifications for Fleet Readiness Squadrons and Training Command squadrons,
and offloaded ammunition for a six-month PIA,off the Eastern seaboard
23Jul2003, returned to Norfolk
26Jul2003, Friends and Family Day Cruise
20Aug2003, entered the Norfolk Naval Shipyard to begin a PIA (Planned Incremental Availability)
13Feb2004, transited the Elizabeth River following completion of a six-month PIAat Norfolk Naval Shipyard
14Feb-16Feb2004, Sea trials, WestLant
23Feb-05Mar2004, carrier qualifications and flight deck certification off the Atlantic coast
12Apr-04May2004, WestLant
05May2004, returned to Norfolk
02Jun2004, departed Norfolk
02Jun-28Jun2004, Lant (02Jun-20Jun2004, WestLant)(20Jun2004, completed Composite Unit Training Exercises (COMPTUEX))(26Jun-28Jun2004, EastLant)
29Jun-02Jul2004, Med
03Jul-07Jul2004, Naples, Italy
08Jul-09Jul2004, Med
11Jul-15Jul2004, MEDSHARK/Majestic Eagle '04, off the coast of Morocco
19Jul-24Jul2004, Lant
25Jul2004, returned to Norfolk
08Sep2004, departed Norfolk
08Sep-15Sep2004, Carrier Qualifications for FRS and CVW-3
16Sep2004, returned to Norfolk
13Oct2004, departed Norfolk for a six-month Med/Mid-East deployment
13Oct-29Oct2004, Lant
01Nov-05Nov2004, Med
06Nov-09Nov2004, Souda Bay, Crete
10Nov2004, Med
12Nov-15Nov2004, Red Sea
16Nov-17Nov2004, Arabian Sea
18Nov-20Nov2004, Persian Gulf
20Nov2004, HST-CSG relieved JFK-CSG
20Nov2004-16Feb2005, Persian Gulf
17Feb-20Feb2005, Jebel Ali, United Arab Emirates
21Feb-19Mar2005, Persian Gulf
19Mar2005, HST-CSG was relieved by Vinson-CSG
23Mar325-Mar2005, Red Sea
26Mar2005, transited the Suez Canal for way to the Med
27Mar-01Apr2005, Med
02Apr-03Apr2005, Lant
04Apr-09Apr2005, Portsmouth, England
10Apr-17Apr2005, Lant
18Apr2005, returned to NorfolkThe CVW-3 squadrons launched 2,577 sortiesin support of OIF and maritime security operations in the Persian Gulf.
20Jun-01Jul2005, carrier qualifications in the WestLant
12Jul-20Jul2005, carrier qualifications and operations in the WestLantand is also participating in a JTFEX with CVN-71
20Jul2005, returned to Norfolk
27Jul-05Aug2005, WestLant
01Sep2005, departed Norfolk for support of Joint Task Force Katrina in the Gulf of Mexico.
01Sep-02Sep2005, WestLant
04Sep-15Sep2005, Joint Task Force Katrina, Gulf of Mexico
16Sep-22Sep2005, WestLant
23Sep2005, returned to Norfolk
12Oct2005, departed Norfolk
12Oct-20Oct2005, carrier qualifications and sustainment training in the WestLant
21Oct2005, returned to Norfolk
02Nov2005, departed Norfolk
02Nov-07Nov2005, ammunition offload operations in the WestLant
08Nov2005, returned to Norfolk
09Jan2006,entered Norfolk Naval Shipyard in Portsmouth for a Docked-Planned Incremental Availability (DPIA)
10Jan2006, began DPIA
20Dec2006, completed DPIA
20Dec-22Dec2006, sea trials
12Jan-19Jan2007, flight deck certifications off the U.S. East Coast
26Jan-06Feb2007, flight deck certifications off the U.S. East Coast
07Feb-10Feb2007,took on ammo from USNS Lewis and Clark (T-AKE-1) and USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71)off the U.S. East Coast
20Mar-12Apr2007, Tailored Ship's Training Availability (TSTA) off the U.S. East Coast
14May-24May2007, Carrier Qualifications in the WestLant
25May2007, returned to Norfolk
02Jun2007, a daylong Friends and Family Day cruise
04Jun-07Jun2007, Carrier Qualifications for CVW-3, FRS, and CNATRA in the WestLant
11Jun-12Jun2007, WestLant
02Jul-19Jul2007, Composite Training Unit Exercise (COMPTUEX) in the WestLant
20Jul-23Jul2007, Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
24Jul-25Jul2007, WestLant
26Jul-31Jul2007, JTFEX 07-2 "Operation Bold Step" off the coast of North Carolina and Florida
31Jul2007, completed JTFEX 07-2
14Aug-22Aug2007, Fleet Replacement Squadron Carrier Qualifications (FRSCQ) off the coast of North Carolina
17Sep-21Sep2007, Carrier Qualifications in the WestLant
05Nov2007,departed Norfolk
for a seven-month deployment to the Middle East, and will relieve the Enterprise Carrier Strike Group
05Nov-15Nov2007, Lant
16Nov2007, transited through the straits of Gibraltar
16Nov-19Nov2007, Med
20Nov-25Nov2007, Naples, Italy
26Nov-29Nov2007, Med
30Nov2007, entered the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations
30Nov-01Dec2007, Red Sea
02Dec-11Dec2007, Arabian Sea
14Dec-23Dec2007, Persian Gulf
24Dec-27Dec2007, Jebel Ali, United Arab Emirates
28Dec2007-24Jan2008, Persian Gulf
25Jan-28Jan2008, Jebel Ali, United Arab Emirates
29Jan-12Mar2008, Persian Gulf
13Mar-16Mar2008, Jebel Ali, United Arab Emirates
17Mar-30Apr2008, Persian Gulf
01May-03May2008, Arabian Sea
04May-05May2008, Red Sea
06May2008, transited the Suez Canal and entered the Med
07May-10May2008, Rhodes, Greece
11May-16May2008, Med
17May-20May2008, Cannes, France
21May-22May2008, Med
23May2008, transited the Strait of Gibraltar and entered the Lant
23May-31May2008, Lant
01Jun2008, pulled into Mayport to off-load a small portion of CVW-3 and pick tiger cruise riders up
02Jun-03Jun2008, WestLant
04Jun2008, returned to Norfolk
11Jul2008, departed Norfolk
11Jul-23Jul2008, WestLant
24Jul2008, returned to Norfolk
Jul2008, entered Norfolk Naval Shipyard in Portsmouth for a Planned Incremental Availability (PIA)
12Feb-13Feb2009, sea trials off the coast of Virginia
14Feb2009, completed PIA and returned to Norfolk
20Feb-27Feb2009, Carrier Qualifications off the coast of Virginia
10Mar-22Mar2009, Carrier Qualifications off the coast of Virginia
23Mar2009, returned to Norfolk
20Apr-08May2009, Tailored Ship's Training Availability and Final Evaluation Phase (TSTA/FEP) in the WestLant
09May2009, returned to Norfolk
01Jun2009, departed Norfolk
01Jun-08Jun2009, WestLant
09Jun-03Jul2009, Composite Training Unit Exercise (COMPTUEX) in the WestLant
04Jul2009, returned to Norfolk
13Jul2009, departed Norfolk
13Jul-16Jul2009, WestLant
17Jul2009, returned to Norfolk
18Jul2009, departed Norfolk
18Jul2009, Friends and Family Day Cruise
18Jul2009, returned to Norfolk
04Aug-14Aug2009, Carrier Qualifications for the FRS and the CNATRA off the Virginia coast
15Aug2009, returned to Norfolk
20Aug-27Aug2009, WestLant
11Sep2009, departed Norfolk for Joint Task Force Exercise (JTFEX)
11Sep-22Sep2009, JTFEX in the WestLant
23Sep2009, returned to Norfolk
03Nov-10Nov2009, Fleet Replacement Squadron Carrier Qualifications (FRSCQ) off the coast of Florida
12Nov-13Nov2009, Mayport
16Nov-19Nov2009, WestLant
20Nov2009, returned to Norfolk
04Dec2009, departed Norfolk
04Dec-16Dec2009, Carrier Qualifications in the WestLant
17Dec2009, returned to Norfolk
20Jan2010, departed Norfolk
20Jan-03Feb2010, Carrier Qualifications for CVW-3 in the WestLant
04Feb2010, returned to Norfolk
24Mar2010, departed Norfolk
24Mar-01Apr2010, Carrier Strike Group sail exercises in the WestLant
02Apr2010, returned to Norfolk
21Apr2010, departed Norfolk
21Apr-23Apr2010, WestLant
24Apr2010, returned to Norfolk
21May2010,departed Norfolk
to the 5th and 6th fleet areas of operations, in support of maritime security operations.
21May-02Jun2010, Lant
02Jun2010, transited the Strait of Gibraltar
03Jun-08Jun2010, Med
09Jun-12Jun2010, Marseille, France
anchored off the coast of Hyers
to observe the air show celebrating the 100th anniversary of French Naval Aviation
14Jun-17Jun2010, Med
18Jun2010, transited the Suez Canal, and entered the U.S. 5th Fleet Area of Operations
18Jun-19Jun2010, Red Sea
26Jun-28Jun2010, North Arabian Sea
29Jun2010, launched the first combat sorties in support of Operation Enduring Freedom
29Jun-04Aug2010, North Arabian Sea
05Aug-08Aug2010, Jebel Ali, United Arab Emirates
09Aug-08Sep2010, North Arabian Sea
09Sep-12Sep2010, Jebel Ali, United Arab Emirates
13Sep-19Oct2010, North Arabian Sea
21Oct-01Nov2010, Arabian Gulf
02Nov-25Nov2010, North Arabian Sea
26Nov-27Nov2010, Gulf of Aden
28Nov-30DEc2010, Red Sea
01Dec2010, transited the Suez Canal and entered the Med
02Dec2010, Med
03Dec-05Dec2010, Souda Bay, Crete
06Dec-10Dec2010, Med
13Dec-19Dec2010, Lant
20Dec2010, returned to Norfolk
27Jan2011, departed Norfolk
Fleet Replacement Squadron Carrier Qualifications,
Naval Air Training Command Carrier Qualifications,
E-2D Advanced Hawkeye carrier suitability test,
transferred ammunition to CVN-77,
in the WestLant
18Feb2011, returned to Norfolk
25Mar2011, entered to Norfolk Naval Shipyard for Docked Planned Incremental Availability (DPIA)
03Feb2012, moved from dry dock 8 to Pier 6 at Norfolk Naval Shipyard in Portsmouth
07Jul2012, departed Norfolk Naval Shipyard
07Jul-09Jul2012, Sea Trials
10Jul2012, returned to Norfolk
16Jul2012, departed Norfolk
16Jul-28Jul2012, flight deck certification and carrier qualifications in the WestLant
29Jul-01Aug2012, Mayport
02Aug2012, WestLant
03Aug-10Aug2012,Carrier Qualifications for training squadrons, VT-7, VT-9, VT-21, and VT-22, in the WestLant
11Aug2012, returned to Norfolk
03Sep2012, departed Norfolk
03Sep-10Sep2012, Carrier Qualifications in the WestLant
11Sep2012, returned to Norfolk
24Sep2012, departed Norfolk
24Sep-27Sep2012, Combat Systems Ship Qualification Trials (CSSQT) in the WestLant
28Sep2012, returned to Norfolk
02Oct2012, departed Norfolk
02Oct-24Oct2012,Tailored Ship's Training Availability and Final Evaluation Problem (TSTA/FEP) in the WestLant
24Oct2012, completed TSTA/FEP
25Oct2012, WestLant
26Oct2012, returned to Norfolk
02Nov2012, departed Norfolk
02Nov-03Nov2012, WestLant
Carrier Qualifications for training squadrons, - VT-7, VT-9, VT-21, and VT-22 -, in the WestLant
09Nov2012, returned to Norfolk
04Dec2012, departed Norfolk
Fleet Replacement Squadron Carrier Qualifications,
test operations for an X-47B Unmanned Combat Air System,
in the WestLant
19Dec2012, returned to Norfolk
14Jan2013, departed Norfolk
15Jan-02Feb2013, Composite Training Unit Exercise (COMPTUEX) in the WestLant
03Feb2013, returned to Norfolk
14Feb2013, departed Norfolk
14Feb-16Feb2013, WestLant
17Feb2013, returned to Norfolk
04Mar2013, departed Norfolk
CVW-3 and TRACOM Carrier Qualifications and tested with the MV-22 Osprey from VMX-22
in the WestLant
16Mar2013, returned to Norfolk
16Apr2013, departed Norfolk
17Apr-26Apr2013, Sustainment Training Exercise (SUSTEX) in the WestLant
27Apr2013, returned to Norfolk
14May2013, departed Norfolk
15May-23May2013, WestLant
24May2013, returned to Norfolk
03Jun2013, departed Norfolk
03Jun-19Jun2013, Sustainment Training Exercise (SUSTEX) in the WestLant
20Jun2013, returned to Norfolk
22Jul2013,departed Norfolk
to the 5th and 6th fleet areas of operations, in support of maritime security operations
22Jul-28Jul2013, Lant
29Jul2013, entered U.S. 6th Fleet area of responsibility (AOR)
29Jul-02Aug2013, EastLant
03Aug2013, transited the Strait of Gibraltar
03Aug-04Aug2013, Med
05Aug-08Aug2013, Marseille, France
09Aug-17Aug2013, Med
18Aug2013, transited the Suez Canal, and entered the Red Sea
19Aug-20Aug2013, Red Sea
21Aug2013, Gulf of Aden
22Aug-26Aug2013, North Arabian Sea
27Aug2013, CVW-3 launched first combat sorties in support of Operation Enduring Freedom
27Aug-17Sep2013, North Arabian Sea
18Sep2013, Persian Gulf
19Sep-22Sep2013, Khalifa Bin Salman Port, Kingdom of Bahrain
23Sep2013, Persian Gulf
24Sep-23Oct2013, North Arabian Sea
24Oct2013, Persian Gulf
25Oct-28Oct2013, Jebel Ali, United Arab Emirates
29Oct2013, Persian Gulf
30Oct-14Nov2013, North Arabian Sea
15Nov2013, Persian Gulf
16Nov-20Nov2013, Jebel Ali, United Arab Emirates for Dubai Air Show 2013
21Nov2013, Persian Gulf
22Nov-21Dec2013, North Arabian Sea
22Dec2013, Persian Gulf
23Dec-26Dec2013, Khalifa Bin Salman Port, Kingdom of Bahrain
27Dec2013, Persian Gulf
28Dec2013-10Jan2014, North Arabian Sea
11Jan-20Jan2014, Persian Gulf
21Jan-24Jan2014, Jebel Ali, United Arab Emirates
25Jan2014, Persian Gulf
26Jan2014, transited Strait of Hormuz
27Jan-23Feb2014, North Arabian Sea
24Feb2014, Persian Gulf
25Feb-28Feb2014, Khalifa Bin Salman Port, Kingdom of Bahrain
01Mar-04Mar2014, Persian Gulf
05Mar2014, transited Strait of Hormuz
06Mar-19Mar2014, North Arabian Sea
19Mar2014, CVW-3 completed final sortie in support of Operation Enduring Freedom
21Mar2014, North Arabian Sea
22Mar2014, relieved by the USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77) in the Gulf of Aden
23Mar2014, transited Bab el-Mandeb Strait northbound and entered the Red Sea
23Mar-28Mar2014, Red Sea
28Mar2014, completed operations in the U.S. 5th Fleet AOR
28Mar2014, transited the Suez Canal, and entered the Med
29Mar-02Apr2014, Med
03Apr-06Apr2014, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
07Apr2014, Med
08Apr2014, transited the Strait of Gibraltar
09Apr-17Apr2014, Lant
18Apr2014, returned to Norfolk,
CVW-3 aircraft flew 38,345 flight hours and 13,679 sorties of which 2,902 were combat sorties
in Operation Enduring Freedom
and several multinational exercises in support of maritime security operations
28May2014, departed Norfolk
29May-30May2014, Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV)
31May2014, returned to Norfolk
12Jun2014, departed Norfolk
13Jun2014, returned to Norfolk
28Jun2014, Friends and Family Day Cruise
09Jul2014, departed Norfolk
10Jul-16Jul2014, TRACOM Carrier Qualifications in the WestLant
ammo offload with the USNS William McLean (T-AKE 12) and USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71)
22Jul2014, returned to Norfolk
21Aug2014, departed Norfolk
21Aug-28Aug2014, WestLant
29Aug2014, returned to Norfolk
22Sep2014, departed Norfolk
22Sep-02Oct2014, Fleet Replacement Squadron Carrier Qualifications in the WestLant
03Oct2014, returned to Norfolk
05Nov2014,entered the Norfolk Naval Shipyard in Portsmouth, Va.,for a four-month Continuous Incremental Availability (CIA)
10Apr2015, departed Norfolk Naval Shipyard for sea trials
10Apr-13Apr2015, sea trials in the WestLant
14Apr2015, returned to Norfolk Naval Shipyard
22May2015,completed CIA and extended availability, and departed Norfolk Naval Shipyard for sea trials
22May-26May2015, sea trials in the WestLant
27May2015, returned to Norfolk
Home Port : Norfolk, Va.
19Aug2017, departed Norfolk
19Aug-23Aug2017, off the coast of North Carolina
23Aug2017,completed Flight Deck Certification along with CVW-1
24Aug-30Aug2017, off the coast of North Carolina
31Aug2017, returned to Norfolk
06Sep2017, departed Norfolk
FRS, CTW-1 and CTW-2 carrier qualifications,
ammo onload with the USNS Robert E. Peary (T-AKE-5),
in the WestLant
22Sep2017, returned to Norfolk
11Oct2017, departed Norfolk
Tailored Ship's Training Availability and Final Evaluation Period (TSTA/FEP), off the coast of North Carolina
03Nov2017, returned to Norfolk
04Dec2017, departed Norfolk
04Dec-15Dec2017,FRS carrier qualifications off the coast of North Carolina
16Dec2017, returned to Norfolk
01Feb2018, departed Norfolk
02Feb-28Feb2018,Composite Training Unit Exercise (COMPTUEX) off the coast of North Carolina
01Mar2018, returned to Norfolk
11Apr2018, departed Norfolk for a scheduled deployment
11Apr-26Apr2018, Lant
27Apr2017, passed through the Strait of Gibraltar and entered the Mediterranean Sea
28Apr-22May2018, Med
23May-26May2018, Souda Bay, Crete, Greece
27May-30May2018, Med
30May-06Jun2018, Adriatic Sea
07Jun-20Jun2018, Med
21Jun-24Jun2018, Marseille, France
25Jun-27Jun2018, Med
28Jun2018, transited the Strait of Gibraltar
28Jun-01Jul2018, EastLant
02Jul-11Jul2018, Bay of Biscay
12Jul-20Jul2018, Lant
21Jul2018, returned to Norfolk
28Aug2018, departed Norfolk for a scheduled deployment
28Aug-29Aug2018, off the coast of Virginia
30Aug2018, dual-carrier sustainment operations with Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72), off the coast of Virginia
31Aug-08Sep2018, Lant
09Sep-17Sep2018, NorLant
18Sep2018, commenced operations in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of operations
18Sep-28Sep2018, NorLant
29Sep-04Oct2018, North Sea
05Oct2018, transited the Dover Strait
06Oct-09Oct2018, anchored at Solent, off the coast of Stokes Bay, Gosport, England
10Oct-11Oct2018, English Channel
11Oct2018, transited the Dover Strait
12Oct-18Oct2018, North Sea
19Oct2018, entered the Arctic Circle
19Oct-24Oct2018, Norwegian Sea
25Oct-31Oct2018, NATO exercise Trident Juncture 2018, Norwegian Sea
01Nov-09Nov2018, EastLant
10Nov-13Nov2018, anchored off the coast of Lisbon, Portugal
14Nov-16Nov2018, EastLant
17Nov2018, transited the Strait of Gibraltar
17Nov-26Nov2018, Med
27Nov-01Dec2018, Adriatic Sea
02Dec-03Dec2018, Med
04Dec2018, transited the Strait of Gibraltar
04Dec-15Dec2018, heading home in the Lant
16Dec2018, returned to Norfolk
16Mar2019, departed Norfolk
16Mar-22Mar2019, off the coast of Virginia
23Mar2019, returned to Norfolk
28Mar2019, departed Norfolk
28Mar-10Apr2019, Sustainment Exercise (SUSTEX), off the coast of Virginia and North Carolina
11Apr2019, returned to Norfolk
02May2019, departed Norfolk
02May-05May2019, sustainment operations, Virginia Capes Operating Areas
06May2019, returned to Norfolk
09Jun2019, departed Norfolk
09Jun-14Jun2019, Virginia Capes Operating Areas
15Jun2019, returned to Norfolk
05Jul2019, departed Norfolk
05Jul-06Jul2019, WestLant
07Jul-03Aug2019, composite training unit exercise (COMPTUEX), Jacksonville Operating Area
04Aug2019, WestLant
05Aug2019, returned to Norfolk
18Nov2019, departed Norfolk
18Nov-28Nov2019, WestLant
29Nov2019, entered the U.S. 6th Fleet area of operations
29Nov-01Dec2019, EastLant
02Dec-04Dec2019, west of the Strait of Gibraltar
05Dec2019, transited the Strait of Gibraltar
05Dec-12Dec2019, Med
13Dec2019, transited the Suez Canal
13Dec-16Dec2019, Red Sea
17Dec2019-16Jan2020, North Arabian Sea
17Jan-20Jan2020, Duqm, Oman
21Jan-25Feb2020, North Arabian Sea
26Feb-29Feb2020, Duqm, Oman
01Mar-20Mar2020, North Arabian Sea
21Mar2020, dual carrier and joint air wing operations with USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) Strike Group
22Mar-28Mar2020, North Arabian Sea
29Mar2020, transited the Bab el-Mandeb Strait
29Mar-01Apr2020, Red Sea
02Apr2020, transited the Suez Canal
02Apr-06Apr2020, Med
07Apr2020, transited the Strait of Gibraltar
07Apr-14Apr2020, Lant
15Apr-15Jun2020, Virginia Capes Operating Areas, and Jacksonville Operating Areas
16Jun2020, returned to Norfolk
arrived at Norfolk Naval Shipyard
for a six-month Extended Continuous Incremental Availability (ECIA)
12May2021, departed Norfolk Naval Shipyard
12May-20May2021, sea trials in the Virginia Capes
21May2021, returned to Norfolk
22May2021, departed Norfolk
22May-29May2021, Virginia Capes Operating Areas
30May2021, returned to Norfolk
07Jun2021, departed Norfolk
Tailored Ship's Training Availability and Final Evaluation Period (TSTA/FEP)
in the Virginia Capes Operating Areas
30Jun2021, returned to Norfolk
17Jul2021, departed Norfolk
17Jul-23Jul2021, Virginia Capes Operating Areas
24Jul2021, returned to Norfolk
07Aug2021, departed Norfolk
07Aug-18Aug2021,NATRACOM and FRS Carrier Qualifications in the Virginia Capes Operating Areas
19Aug2021, returned to Norfolk
23Aug2021, departed Norfolk
24Aug2021, returned to Norfolk
20Sep2021, departed Norfolk for Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV)
21Sep2021, returned to Norfolk
30Sep2021, departed Norfolk for Composite Training Unit Exercise (COMPTUEX)
30Sep-28Oct2021, COMPTUEX in the Virginia Capes Operating Areas
29Oct2021, returned to Norfolk
01Dec2021, departed Norfolk for a scheduled deployment
01Dec-07Dec2021, WestLant
13Dec2021, EastLant
14Dec2021, transited the Strait of Gibraltar
14Dec-23Dec2021, Med
24Dec-28Dec2021, Adriatic Sea
29Dec2021, Med
30Dec2021-03Jan2022, Souda Bay, on the island of Crete, Greece
04Jan-08Jan2022, Med
09Jan-23Jan2022, Ionian Sea
24Jan-04Feb2022, NATO-led activity Neptune Strike in the Ionian Sea
05Feb-07Feb2022, Ionian Sea
08Feb-10Feb2022, Adriatic Sea
11Feb-14Feb2022, anchored off the coast of Split, Croatia
15Feb-18Feb2022, Adriatic Sea
19Feb-20Feb2022, Ionian Sea
21Feb-24Feb2022, Adriatic Sea
25Feb-28Feb2022, Ionian Sea
01Mar-06Mar2022, Aegean Sea
07Mar-18Mar2022, Ionian Sea
19Mar-22Mar2022, Souda Bay, Greece
23Mar-25Mar2022, Ionian Sea
26Mar-01Apr2022, Adriatic Sea
02Apr-13Apr2022, Ionian Sea
14Apr-19Apr2022, south of Crete, Med
20Apr-22Apr2022, Adriatic Sea
23Apr-26Apr2022, anchored off the coast of Trieste, Italy
27Apr-29Apr2022, Adriatic Sea
30Apr-02May2022, Ionian Sea
03May-08May2022, Med
09May2022, Tyrrhenian Sea
10May-14May2022, anchored off the coast of Naples, Italy
15May-17May2022, Tyrrhenian Sea
18May-25May2022, Ionian Sea
26May-02Jun2022, Adriatic Sea
03Jun-15Jun2022, Ionian Sea
16Jun-17Jun2022, Tyrrhenian Sea
18Jun-21Jun2022, Marseille, France
22Jun-26Jun2022, WestMed
27Jun-08Jul2022, Adriatic Sea
09Jul-11Jul2022, Ionian Sea
12Jul-14Jul2022, Med
15JUl-18Jul2022, anchored off the coast of Palma De Mallorca, Spain
19Jul-20Jul2022, Med
21Jul-28Aug2022, Ionian Sea
29Aug2022, transited the Strait of Sicily
30Aug2022, transited the Strait of Gibraltar
30Aug-11Sep2022, en route to Norfolk
12Sep2022, returned to Norfolk
moved from Naval Station Norfolk to Norfolk Naval Shipyard in Portsmouth
in advance of its scheduled Planned Incremental Availability
17Dec2023,moved to Naval Station Norfolk from Norfolk Naval Shipyard
after completed its Planned Incremental Availability (PIA)
19Jan2024, departed Norfolk
19Jan-22Jan2024, sea trials in the Virginia Capes Operating Areas
23Jan2024, returned to Norfolk
13Feb2024, departed Norfolk
13Feb-24Feb2024,flight deck certification and CVW-1 Carrier Qualifications in the Virginia Capes Operating Areas
25Feb2024, returned to Norfolk
09Mar2024, departed Norfolk
09Mar-14Mar2024, Virginia Capes Operating Areas
15Mar-23Mar2024, off the coast of Florida
24Mar2024, returned to Norfolk
10Apr2024, departed Norfolk
Tailored Ship's Training Availability and Final Evaluation Problem (TSTA/FEP),
in the Virginia Capes Operating Areas
30Apr2024, returned to Norfolk
03May2024, departed Norfolk
03May-04May2024, WestLant
05May-06May2024, off the coast of Miami Beach, FL. for Fleet Week
07May-09May2024, WestLant
10May2024, returned to Norfolk
04Jun2024, departed Norfolk
05Jun2024, returned to Norfolk
10Jun2024, departed Norfolk
10Jun-21Jun2024Fleet Replacement Squadron Carrier Qualifications (FRS-CQ) in the Virginia Capes Operating Areas
22Jun2024, returned to Norfolk
26Jul2024, departed Norfolk
26Jul-24Aug2024,Composite Training Unit Exercise (COMPTUEX) in the Virginia Capes Operating Areas
25Aug2024, returned to Norfolk