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Home Port : Norfolk, VA. 26Feb1998, departed Norfolk 11May1998, Jebel Ali, UAE 18May-08Jul1998, Persian Gulf 10Jul1998, Manama, Bahrain 16Jul-18Jul1998, Persian Gulf 19Jul1998, left Persian Gulf 20Jul1998, Oman Gulf 21Jul1998, near the Maldive Is. 22Jul-26Jul1998, Indian Ocean 28Jul-01Aug1998, Perth, Australia 02Aug-03Aug1998, south of Australia 05Aug-08Aug1998, Hobart, Tasmania 09Aug1998, on the Australia east sea 11Aug1998, near the Fiji Is. 12Aug1998, SouthPac 13Aug1998, passed through the date line and the equator 14Aug-15Aug1998, near the Johnston Is. 17Aug-19Aug1998, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii 21Aug1998, northeast of Hawaii Is. 23Aug-25Aug1998, Tiger Cruise to San Diego, CA. 26Aug1998, returned to new hormport San Diego |
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Home Port : San Diego, CA. Apr.1999, completed maintenance 12Apr-19Apr1999, sea trials off the coast of Southern California 19Apr1999, returned to San Diego 26Apr-03May1999, EastPac 24May1999, EastPac 14Jun1999, EastPac 12Jul1999, EastPac 26Jul1999, EastPac 28Jul-02Aug1999, Esquimalt, B.C., Canada 03Aug-25Aug1999, EastPac 26Aug1999, returned to San Diego from Y2K exercises and final workup, COMPTUEX. 12Oct1999, departed San Diego for two short periods of carrier qualifications 18Oct1999, EastPac 01Nov-22Nov1999, JTFEX off the coast of Southern California 03Dec1999, 07Jan2000, departed San Diego for the WestPac/Gulf deployment 07Jan-09Jan2000, off the coast of Southern California for carrier qualifications 10Jan2000, completed carrier qualifications and left the coast of Southern California 18Jan2000, cross the International Dateline 24Jan-25Jan2000, WestPac(near the Japan) 26Jan-27Jan2000, Sea of Japan, operations in Korean East Sea 28Jan-31Jan2000, Pusan, South Korea 03Feb-04Feb2000, East China Sea 06Feb-07Feb2000, South China Sea 08Feb-Feb112000, Hong Kong 16Feb-20Feb2000, Kelang, Malaysia 22Feb-25Feb2000, Indian Ocean 26Feb2000, Arabian Sea 01Mar-13Mar2000, Persian Gulf 20Mar-27Mar2000, Bahrain, UAE 03Apr-07Apr2000, Persian Gulf 10Apr2000, Jebel Ali, UAE 17Apr-24Apr2000, Persian Gulf 01May2000, Jebel Ali, UAE 08May-15May2000, Persian Gulf 21May2000, Jebel Ali, UAE 26May2000, Arabian Sea 27May2000, Indian Ocean 28May2000, crossed the equator 30May2000, crossing the southern half of the Indian Ocean 01Jun-03Jun2000, Indian Ocean (off the west coast of Australia) 04Jun-07Jun2000, Fremantle, port of Perth, Australia 08Jun-09Jun2000, Indian Ocean (off the south coast of Australia) 12Jun-16Jun2000, Hobart, Tasmania 17Jun-19Jun2000, sailing East across the Pacific towards Hawaii 24Jun2000, heading East across the Pacific 26Jun-28Jun2000, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii 28Jun-02Jul2000, "Tiger Cruise" from Hawaii to San Diego 03Jul2000, returned to San Diego Oct.2000-Apr.2001, 26Mar-06Apr2001, sea trials off the coast of Southern California 07Apr2001, returned to San Diego 20Apr-23Apr2001, 14May2001, Pac 21May2001, 09Jul2001, EastPac 23Jul-20Aug2001, EastPac Aug.2001, SeaFair, Seattle, WA. 10Sep2001, EastPac 11Sep-12Sep2001, 07Nov2001, returned to San Diego 12Nov2001, 30Nov-03Dec2001, Hong Kong 04Dec2001, departed Hong Kong 07Dec-10Dec2001, Changi Naval Base, Singapore 14Dec2001-18Apr2002, Northern Arabian Sea, part of Operation Enduring Freedom 28Apr-01May2002, Fremantle, Australia 02May2002, departed Fremantle, Australia 06May-10May2002, anchored Ralphs Bay, Hobart, Tasmania 11May2002, departed Ralphs Bay, Hobart, Tasmania 20May-22May2002, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii 23May2002, departed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii 23May-27May2002, "Tiger Cruise" from Hawaii to San Diego 28May2002, returned to San Diego |
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Home Port : San Diego, CA. Jun2002-Jan2003, Planned Incremental Availability (PIA) 28Jan-02Feb2003, sea trials 03Feb2003, returned to San Diego 10Feb2003, departed San Diego 11Feb-19Feb2003, carrier qualifications off the Southern California coast 17Mar-19Mar2003, carrier qualifications off the Southern California coast 20Mar2003, returned to San Diego 24Mar2003, departed San Diego 24Mar-28Mar2003, carrier qualifications off the Southern California coast 29Mar2003, returned to San Diego 02Apr-11Apr2003, off the Southern California coast 06May-09May2003, off the Southern California coast 14May-15May2003, off the Southern California coast 16May2003, returned to San Diego 02Jun-06Jun2003, off the Southern California coast 16Jun-20Jun2003, carrier qualifications off the Southern California coast 08Jul2003, departed San Diego 08Jul-10Jul2003, off the Southern California coast 11Jul 2003, returned to San Diego 28Jul2003, departed San Diego 28Jul-19Aug2003, Carrier Qualifications off the Southern California coast 23Sep-26Sep2003, EastPac 03Oct2003, EastPac 04Oct2003, San Diego Bay, Fleet Week |
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Home Port : San Diego, CA. 26Oct2003, departed San Diego 26Oct-20Nov2003, 03Dec-05Dec2003, 24May2004, departed San Diego for a five-month WestPac deployment 24May-06Jun2004, EastPac 07Jun-16Jun2004, Gulf of Alaska, participating in Northern Edge '04 18Jun-21Jun2004, Victoria, B.C., Canada 22Jun-26Jun2004, Pac 27Jun2004, headed for Hawaii waters to take part in the RIMPAC '04 27Jun-28Jun2004, Pac 29Jun-05Jul2004, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii 06Jul-21Jul2004, Pac 22Jul-25Jul2004, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii 28Jul-19Aug2004, WestPac 20Aug2004, East China Sea 21Aug-24Aug2004, Sasebo, Japan 25Aug2004, departed Sasebo 25Aug-27Aug2004, WestPac 30Aug2004, East China Sea 31Aug2004, WestPac 01Sep-05Sep2004, Port Kelang, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 08Sep-21Sep2004, South China Sea 22Sep-27Sep2004, Indian Ocean 28Sep-01Oct2004, Fremantle, Australia 02Oct-12Oct2004, Indian Ocean 13Oct-31Oct2004, Pac 01Nov2004, returned to San Diego 29Nov-01Dec2004, major ammunition offloaded in the EastPac 05Jan2005, departed San Diego for new home of Bremerton 05Jan-07Jan2005, EastPac 08Jan2005, arrived to new home Bremerton |
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Home Port : Bremerton, WA. 19Jan2005-17Dec2005, 01Sep2005, 12Dec2005, 17Dec2005, returned to homeport in Bremerton |
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Home Port : Bremerton, WA. 25Jan-27Jan2006, EastPac 01Feb2006, departed Bremerton 02Feb-03Feb2006, EastPac 04Feb2006, 06Feb-09Feb2006, off the coast of Southern California 10Feb-11Feb2006, transported ammunition from CVN-68 12Feb-13Feb2006, EastPac 14Feb2006, returned to Bremerton 07Mar-21Mar2006, EastPac 11Apr-14Apr2006, EastPac 17Apr-19Apr2006, Inspection and Survey (INSURV), San Diego 20Apr-02May2006, carrier qualifications and INSURV off the coast of Southern California 04May2006, returned to Bremerton 30May-08Jun2006, 13Jun-20Jun2006, 07Jul-17Jul2006, 07Aug-08Aug2006, EastPac 09Aug-11AugAug2006, Esquimalt, Victoria, B.C., Canada 12Aug2006, returned to Bremerton 13Aug2006, "Friends and Family Day Cruise" 13Sep-19Sep2006, EastPac 20Sep2006, San Diego 21Sep-12Oct2006, 13Oct-16Oct2006, EastPac 17Oct2006, returned to Bremerton 02Nov2006, 06Nov-07Nov2006, San Diego 08Nov2006, departed San Diego for a JTFEX 08Nov-11Nov2006, EastPac 12Nov-16Nov2006, JTFEX off the coast of Southern California 17Nov-20Nov2006, EastPac 21Nov2006, returned to Bremerton 16Jan2007, departed Bremerton for a mission in the Persian Gulf region 16Jan-18Jan2007, EastPac 19Jan2007, San Diego, embarked CVW-9 20Jan2007, 31Jan2007, entered the U.S. 7th Fleet's area of responsibility 31Jan-03Feb2007, WestPac 04Feb2007, 19Feb2007, entered the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations 19Feb-22Feb2007, Arabian Sea 23Feb2007, 27Mar2007, entered the Persian Gulf 27Mar-28Mar2007, massive military exercise in the Persian Gulf 29Mar-01Apr2007, Jebel Ali, United Arab Emirates 02Apr-03Apr2007, Persian Gulf 04Apr2007, 09May2007, Persian Gulf 10May-13May2007, Jebel Ali, United Arab Emirates 14May2007, Persian Gulf 15Apr-21May2007, Northern Arabian Sea 22May2007, transited the Gulf of Oman 22May-08Jun2007, Persian Gulf 09Jun-12Jun2007, Jebel Ali, United Arab Emirates 13Jun2007, Persian Gulf 14Jun2007, returned to the Northern Arabian Sea 14Jun-21Jun2007, Northern Arabian Sea 22Jun2007, entered the Persian Gulf 22Jun-07Jul2007, Persian Gulf 10Jul-11Jul2007, Southern Arabian Sea 11Jul2007, completed operations in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations 12Jul-17Jul2007, Indian Ocean 18Jul-22Jul2007, Changi Naval Base, Singapore 23Jul-26Jul2007, South China Sea 27Jul-31Jul2007, Hong Kong 01Aug2007, South China Sea 02Aug-06Aug2007, WestPac 07Aug-14Aug2007, participating in joint exercise "Valiant Shield 2007" in the Guam operating area 15Aug-19Aug2007, Pac 20Aug-21Aug2007, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii 22Aug2007, 27Aug2007, San Diego 28Aug-30Aug2007, "Tiger Cruise" in the EastPac 31Aug2007, returned to Bremerton 28Sep2007, 27Mar2008, completed PIA 28Mar2008, returned to Bremerton 01May2008, departed Bremerton 01May-04May2008, EastPac 05May2008, 06May-17May2008, 26May-18Jun2008, 25Jun-27Jun2008, EastPac 28Jun2008, returned to Bremerton 23Sep2008, 05Nov2008, completed COMPTUEX off the coast of Southern California 06Nov-08Nov2008, San Diego 09Nov-14Nov2008, JTFEX off the coast of Southern California 15Nov-16Nov2008, off the coast of Southern California 17Nov2008, San Diego 18Nov-20Nov2008, EastPac 21Nov2008, returned to Bremerton 13Jan2009, 16Jan2009, San Diego 17Jan-25Jan2009, Pac 26Jan-28Jan2009, off the coast of O'ahu, Hawaii 29Jan-16Feb2009, WestPac 17Feb-20Feb2009, Hong Kong 21Feb-26Feb2009, WestPac 27Feb-02Mar2009, Sasebo, Japan 03Mar-10Mar2009, WestPac 11Mar-14Mar2009, Busan, Republic of Korea 15Mar-20Mar2009, Sea of Japan 21Mar-08Apr2009, WestPac 09Apr-12Apr2009, Laem Chabang, Thailand 13Apr-23Apr2009, WestPac 24Apr-27Apr2009, Changi Naval Base, Singapore 28Apr-25May2009, WestPac 26May-27May2009, transited the WestPac to Hawaii 28May-31May2009, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii 01Jun-09Jun2009, Pac 10Jun-11Jun2009, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii 11Jun-14Jun2009, Pac 15Jun-26Jun2009, 27Jun-29Jun2009, Pac 30Jun-01Jul2009, Everett 01Jul-06Jul2009, Tiger Cruise, en route to San Diego 06Jul2009, 07Jul-09Jul2009, Tiger Cruise, en route to homeport in Bremerton 10Jul2009, returned to homeport in Bremerton 14Sep2009, departed Bremerton 14Sep-15Sep2009, EastPac 16Sep-23Sep2009, 02Nov2009, departed Bremerton 02Nov-04Nov2009, EastPac 05Nov-06Nov2009, San Diego 07Nov-18Nov2009, 20Nov-21Nov2009, EastPac 22Nov2009, returned to Bremerton 02Dec2009, departed Bremerton 02Dec-04Dec2009, EastPac 05Dec-08Dec2009, San Diego 09Dec-13Dec2009, 15Dec-17Dec2009, EastPac 18Dec2009, returned to Bremerton 19Jan2010, departed Bremerton 19Jan-22Jan2010, EastPac 23Jan-24Jan2010, San Diego 25Jan-31Feb2010, 02Feb-07Feb2010, 16Feb-18Feb2010, EastPac 19Feb2010, returned to Bremerton 12Mar2010, 15Mar-16Mar2010, San Diego 17Mar-19Mar2010, FRSCQ off the coast of Southern California 22Mar-23Mar2010, San Diego 24Mar-26Mar2010, FRSCQ off the coast of Southern California 27Mar-28Mar2010, San Diego 29Mar-02Apr2010, within two days, major ammunition offloaded in the EastPac 03Apr2010, returned to Bremerton Apr2010-12Dec2010 17Dec2010, returned to Bremerton 14Jan2011, departed Bremerton 14Jan-17Jan2011, EastPac 18Jan2011, San Diego 19Jan-09Feb2011, 14Feb-18Feb2011, 26Feb-07Mar2011, 24Mar2011, departed Bremerton 24Mar-26Mar2011, EastPac 27Mar-04Apr2011, 06Apr-07Apr2011, EastPac 08Apr2011, returned to Bremerton 29Apr2011, 04May-05May2011, San Diego 06May-26May2011, 28May-30May2011, off the coast of southern California 31May-02Jun2011, San Diego 03Jun-08Jun2011, 09Jun2011, off the coast of southern California 10Jun2011, San Diego 11Jun-12Jun2011, EastPac 13Jun2011, returned to Bremerton 25Jul2011, 28Jul2011, San Diego 29Jul-08Aug2011, Pac 09Aug2011, participated in undersea warfare exercise (USWEX) off the coast of Hawaii 10Aug-15Aug2011, Pac 16Aug2011, arrived in the U.S. 7th Fleet area of responsibility 16Aug-27Aug2011, WestPac 28Aug2011, 04Sep-07Sep2011, Port Kelang, Malaysia 08Sep2011, South China Sea 09Sep2011, passed through the Strait of Malacca 10Sep-13Sep2011, Indian Ocean 14Sep-19Sep2011, North Arabian Sea 20Sep2011, Strait of Hormuz 20Sep-29Sep2011, North Arabian Sea 21Sep-24Sept2011, Khalifa Bin Salman Port, Kingdom of Bahrain 25Sep-08Oct2011, North Arabian Sea 09Oct2011, 12Nov2011, 18Dec2011, 31Dec2011-18Jan2012, Arabian Sea 19Jan2012, entered the U.S. 7th Fleet Area of Operations 19Jan-23Jan2012, Indian Ocean 24Jan-25Jan2012, Strait of Malacca 26Jan-29Jan2012, Changi Naval Base, Singapore 30Jan2012, passing exercise (PASSEX) in the Singapore Strait 31Jan-02Feb2012, South China Sea 03Feb-13Feb2012, WestPac 14Feb-16Feb2012, Pac 17Feb-19Feb2012, Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii 20Feb-26Feb2012, Pac 27Feb2012, San Diego 28Feb-01Mar2012, EastPac 02Mar2012, returned to Bremerton 07Apr2012, departed Bremerton 07Apr-09Apr2012, EastPac 10Apr-11Apr2012, San Diego 12Apr-19Apr2012, 25Jun2012, departed Bremerton 25Jun-28Jun2012, EastPac 29Jun-23Jul2012, 27Aug2012 31Aug2012, San Diego 01Sep-10Sep2012, Pac 11Sep2012, entered the U.S. 7th Fleet Area of Responsibility 11Sep-29Sep2012, WestPac 30Sep-03Oct2012, anchored off the coast of Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia 04Oct-05Oct2012, South China Sea 06Oct2012, Strait of Malacca 07Oct-10Oct2012, anchored off the coast of Phuket, Thailand 11Oct2012, Strait of Malacca 12Oct-13Oct2012, Andaman Sea, northeast edge of the Indian Ocean 14Oct-16Oct2012, Indian Ocean 17Oct2012, entered the U.S. 5th Fleet Area of Responsibility 17Oct-20Oct2012, North Arabian Sea 21Oct2012, launched first combat sorties in support of Operation Enduring Freedom 21Oct-18Nov2012, North Arabian Sea 19Nov2012, Persian Gulf 20Nov-23Nov2012, Khalifa Bin Salman Port at Hidd, Bahrain 24Nov2012, Persian Gulf 25Nov-21Dec2012, North Arabian Sea 22Dec2012, Persian Gulf 23Dec-26Dec2012, Jebel Ali, United Arab Emirates 27Dec2012, Persian Gulf 28Dec2012-30Jan2013, North Arabian Sea 31Jan2013, Persian Gulf 01Feb-04Feb2013, Jebel Ali, United Arab Emirates 05Feb2013, Persian Gulf 06Feb-11Mar2013, North Arabian Sea 12Mar2013, Persian Gulf 13Mar-16Feb2013, Jebel Ali, United Arab Emirates 17Mar2013, Persian Gulf 18Mar-25Mar2013, Arabian Sea 26Mar2013, returned to the U.S. 7th Fleet Area of Responsibility 26Mar-30Mar2013, Indian Ocean 31Mar2013, passed through the Strait of Malacca 01Apr-03Apr2013, Changi Naval Base, Singapore 04Apr-09Apr2013, South China Sea 13Apr-16Apr2013, Pac 18Apr-20Apr2013, 24Apr-28Apr2013, Pac 29Apr-30Apr2013, San Diego 30Apr-02May2013, EastPac 03May2013, returned to Bremerton |
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Home Port : Norfolk, VA. |