Home Port : Fleet Activities Yokosuka, Japan |
Locations and Remarks |
21Aug2008, departed San Diego en route to new homeport Yokosuka, Japan 21Aug-10Sep2008, Pac 12Sep-24Sep2008, WestPac 25Sep2008, pulled into new homeport Yokosuka 01Oct2008, departed Yokosuka 01Oct-04Oct2008, WestPac 05Oct2008, Sea of Japan 06Oct2008, anchored off the coast of Busan, Korea 07Oct2008, Sea of Japan 08Oct-09Oct2008, Busan, Korea 10Oct-30Oct2008, WestPac 31Oct-03Nov2008, Apra Harbor, Guam 04Nov-20Nov2008, WestPac 21Nov2008, returned to Yokosuka Dec2008-Apr2009, 06May-14May2009, 20May2009, 23May-02Jun2009, WestPac 02Jun2009, completed COE evaluation 03Jun-04Jun2009, off the coast of Japan 05Jun2009, returned to Yokosuka 10Jun2009, departed Yokosuka for summer deployment 10Jun-01Jul2009, WestPac 02Jul-05Jul2009, anchored off the coast of Fremantle, Australia 06Jul-31Jul2009, WestPac 01Aug-04Aug2009, Changi Naval Base, Singapore 05Aug-10Aug2009, WestPac 11Aug-14Aug2009, Manila, Philippines 15Aug-18Aug2009, WestPac 19Aug2009, 03Sep2009, returned to Yokosuka 05Sep2009, Family and Guest Day cruise 06Oct2009, 10Oct-16Oct2009, Bilateral Exercise with ROK Navy 17Oct-28Oct2009, WestPac 29Oct-02Nov2009, anchored out in Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong 03Nov-09Nov2009, WestPac 10Nov-17Nov2009, 23Nov2009, returned to Yokosuka 17Dec2009-May2010 11May-14May2010, Sea Trials off the coast of Japan 14May2010, returned to Yokosuka 18May2010, departed Yokosuka 18May2010, off the coast of Japan 19May-24May2010, 14Jun2010, departed Yokosuka 14Jun-02Jul2010, WestPac 03Jul-08Jul2007, Yokosuka 09Jul2010, departed Yokosuka 09Jul-20Jul2010, WestPac 21Jul-24Jul2010, Busan, Republic of Korea 25Jul2010, departed Busan, Republic of Korea 25Jul-28Jul2010, 29Jul-30Jul2010, Sea of Japan 02Aug-10Aug2010, WestPac 11Aug-15Aug2010, Changi Naval Base, Singapore 16Aug-02Sep2010, WestPac 03Sep-06Sep2010, Manila, Philippines 07Sep-11Sep2010, WestPac 12Sep-21Sep2010, 02Oct-06Oct2010, Laem Chaband, Thailand 07Oct-31Oct2010, WestPac 01Nov2010, returned to Yokosuka 24Nov2010, departed Yokosuka 24Nov-26Nov2010, WestPac 27Nov2010, 03Dec-10Dec2010, 14Dec2010, returned to Yokosuka 21Mar2011, left Yokosuka as a precautionary measure 21Mar-04Apr2011, in waters near the Japanese islands of Shikoku and Kyushu 05Apr2011, Fleet Activities Sasebo, Japan 06Apr2011, departed Sasebo 06Apr-07Apr2011, in the local waters off Japan, WestPac 08Apr-11Apr2011, Sea of Japan 12Apr-13Apr2011, Fleet Activities Sasebo, Japan 14Apr2011, departed Sasebo 14Apr-19Apr2011, in the local waters off Japan, WestPac 20Apr2011, returned to Yokosuka 05Jun2011, departed Yokosuka to sea trials 05Jun-07Jun2011, sea trials in the local waters off Japan, WestPac 08Jun2011, returned to Yokosuka 12Jun2011, departed Yokosuka to summer patrol 12Jun-18Jun2011, in the local waters off Japan, WestPac 19Jun-05Jul2011, WestPac 06Jul2011, transited the Sunda Strait and entered the Indian Ocean 07Jul-02Aug2011, Indian Ocean 03Aug-04Aug2011, South China Sea 05Aug2011, Gulf of Thailand 06Aug-10Aug2011, Laem Chabang, Thailand 11Aug-24Aug2011, WestPac 25Aug2011, returned to Yokosuka 27Aug2011, Friends and Family Day Cruise 19Sep2011, departed Yokosuka 19Sep-22Sep2011, in the local waters off Japan, WestPac 23Sep-29Sep2011, East China Sea 29Sep-02Oct2011, Busan, Korea 03Oct-12Oct2011, WestPac, South China Sea 13Oct-14Oct2011, Changi Naval Base, Singapore 15Oct-20Oct2011, Gulf of Thailand 21Oct-24Oct2011, South China Sea 25Oc-26Oct2011, in the local waters off Okinawa, Japan, WestPac 27Oc-04Nov2011, 09Nov-13Nov2011, Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong 14Nov-21Nov2011, WestPac 22Nov2011, returned to Yokosuka Dec2011-May2012 12May-15May2012, Sea Trials off the coast of Japan 16May2012, returned to Yokosuka 26May2012, departed Yokosuka 26May-30May2012, in the local waters off Japan, WestPac 31May-19Jun2012, WestPac 21Jun-22Jun2012, Trilateral Exercise with JMSDF and RoKN in the East China Sea 23Jun-25Jun2012, routine operations with RoKN in the Yellow Sea 26Jun2012, Yellow Sea, Sea of Japan 27Jun-29Jun2012, Busan, Republic of Korea 30Jun2012, East China Ses 01Jul-09Jul2012, WestPac 10Jul-14Jul2012, Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong 15Jul-25Jul2012, WestPac 26Jul2012, returned to Yokosuka 06Aug2012, departed Yokosuka 07Aug2012, returned to Yokosuka 20Aug2012, departed Yokosuka 20Aug-23Aug2012, in the local waters off Japan, WestPac 24Aug-10Sep2012, WestPac 11Sep-19Sep2012, 21Sep-24Sep2012, Apra Harbor, Naval Base Guam 25Sep-05Oct2012, WestPac 06Oct2012, Strait of Malacca 07Oct-10Oct2012, Port Klang, Malaysia 11Oct2012, Strait of Malacca 11Oct-13Oct2012, Andaman Sea, northeast edge of the Indian Ocean 13Oct2012, Strait of Malacca 14Oct-23Oct2012, South China Sea 24Oct-28Oct2012, anchored Manila Bay, Republic of the Philippines 29Oct-31Oct2012, South China Sea 01Nov-05Nov2012, East China Sea 06Nov-16Nov2012, 14Feb2013, 21Jun-23Jun2013, Sea Trials off the coast of Japan 23Jun2013, completed Selected Restricted Availability (SRA) 24Jun2013 26Jun2013, departed Yokosuka 26Jun-30Jun2013, in the local waters off Japan, WestPac 01Jul-14Jul2013, WestPac 15Jul-27Jul2013, 29Jul-02Aug2013, Brisbane, Australia 03Aug-22Aug2013, WestPac 23Aug2013, returned to Yokosuka 24Aug2013, Friends and Family Day Cruise 13Sep2013, departed Yokosuka 13Sep-17Sep2013, local waters off Japan, WestPac 18Sep-03Oct2013, WestPac 04Oct-06Oct2013, Busan, Republic of Korea 07Oct-08Oct2013, WestPac 09Oct-13Oct2013, 26Oct-30Oct2013, Changi Naval Base, Singapore 31Oct-07Nov2013, WestPac 08Nov-11Nov2013, anchored in Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong 11Nov-13Nov2013, East China Sea 14Nov-21Nov2013, 25Nov-28Nov2013, 02Dec-03Dec2013, 05Dec2013, returned to Yokosuka |